Hettinger's 49
Bezeck's 50
Baxter's 57
Doug's 63
Fran's 64 - note the CCCBCA banner on wall above car
High view of line-up looking towards back of building
Marj Hettinger and Fran Frates waiting at CAM to enter cars for the month
Marj, Fran and Mark Culver
Bob and Marj's 1949 was first parked
Pete backing towards space
Pete in front of 1950 Super Convertible parked next to Hettinger's 1949 Roadmaster Riviera
Mark being guided towards area to turn into backing area towards spaces
Mark exiting once parked - He did it with one shot!
Doug approaching area to turn around
Doug's 63 Riv between Fran's 1964 Riv and Baxter's 1957 Super
The final line-of our five cars on display
The line-up looking towards front of building
The final line up with glitter rope along perimeter - nice touch
Pete Bezeck being guided to turn around to back into space
Mark backing up towards spaces
Doug backing into space
High view looking towards front of building